5 Common Unnecessary Words

After revising your plot, characters, pacing, setting and other major issues, the time will come to dive into line edits. So here are some frequently overused words to look out for at the end of your revisions.


How to Write Without Filtering: http://bit.ly/2eIlb8r

Why I Revise in Passes: http://bit.ly/2g9yWdZ

On Word Crutches (blog): http://bit.ly/1GFSgLV


BEYOND THE RED trilogy links (where you can buy my books)! http://avajae.blogspot.com/p/books.html

Ava Edits (where you can hire me to edit your work)!: http://avajae.wix.com/avaedits

Writability (aka my blog)! http://avajae.blogspot.com/

Twitter (where I spend way too much time)! https://twitter.com/Ava_Jae

tumblr (because pictures! and inspirational thingies!) http://avajae.tumblr.com/

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