December 13 2020 Bethelhem UMC Dallastown PA
The Third Sunday of Advent Bethlehem United Methodist Church
Mission: “To give of ourselves so others may know Jesus Christ”
December 13, 2020
The Prelude “Christmas Chimes”
The Call to Worship “While Shepherds Watched”
The Bidding Prayer
The Hymn of Praise
“Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”
Our Call to Prayer and Praise
Leader: Clear away the unnecessary. Put aside the unimportant.
People: Lay down the unrealistic. We keep our ears open for angel songs. Leader: Cut the lists in half. Practice saying “no thanks.” Look for the moments of stillness.
People: We keep our eyes looking for a star, our hands ready to give, our voice filled with song and our heart longing for joy.
The Lighting of the Advent Candle
The Candle of Joy
The Prayer of Invocation
We thank you for this time of quiet time of prayer. WIthout it we cannot get things back in focus. But with it, things can back in order once more. Keep us quiet, Lord, for it is in quiet that we can hear the angels sing again; in quiet, we can listen to the promise of peace on earth; it is in quiet that we can sort out our vales and put important things first…putting aside that which is unimportant And when we get it right, hope, peace, joy, and love, become the guiding principles of life. We long for your arrival. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen.
A Time of Silent Prayer and Meditation
A Prayer for Peace
You call us to prepare, gracious Savior — to prepare to entertain angels, to be alert to wait and watch, to be awake for the coming of glory, to receive your presence in our lives. Send your Spirit upon us, we pray, that we might be made ready to open our hearts and lives with gladness. Fill us with the joy of anticipation and make our waiting a sweet time of communion with you. Amen.
Our Hymn of Prayer “Glory (Let There Be Peace)”
The Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
The Morning Anthem “Go, Tell it On the Mountains”
A Time with Our Children
Our Giving of Tithes and Offerings
The Prayer of Dedication
An Anthem of Preparation “Is There Room in Your Heart”
The Scripture Lesson Luke 1:39-45
The Message
Text: When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and
Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed:
‘Blessed are you among women and blessed is the child you will bear!’”
Theme: Rediscovering Christmas: Advent 3 “Finding Joy in Our Discouragements”
The Hymn of Dedication
“Joy to the World”
The Benediction and Postlude “Carol of the Bells”
The Bell Choir
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