Why should we strength train?

Strength training is consistently increasing its participation world wide for various reasons. It may be for mental health, focus, a hobby, improve physique, improve strength, build up an old injury… The main point is, strength training can benefits us in a number of ways, which squats to better overall health.
During this presentation I talk about some of the benefits to strength training, as compared to cardio, circuit training and sportsmen. I also highlight the fact that each of these groups of people would also benefit from a focused strength and conditioning programme that will help them improve in numerous ways across their physical activities.
One of the benefits I didn’t mention was the fact that strength training is the foundations to life. We can build up motor-skills, improve coordination, alertness, readiness, power, whilst creating a solid platform to work towards other physical activities,whether they were competitive or not.
Take a watch of this video and feedback any queries or questions you may have 😊✌🏼

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