Oops! Universe Expanding “Too Quickly” | Space News
As Wal Thornhill explains, the standard cosmology’s increasingly strange interpretations and conjectures become unnecessary in an Electric Universe. Conventional science tell us that mysterious dark energy makes up 73% of the total mass and energy in the Universe. The concept of dark energy was invented in the 1990’s, when scientists studying type 1A supernovae discovered that the supernovae appeared to be accelerating faster the farther away they were from the observer. Today, cosmologists say that the mysterious force of dark energy is responsible for increasing the expansion of the Universe since the hypothetical Big Bang explosion. However, they admit that they have no understanding of what dark energy is nor how it really works. A new scientific study has only made the hypothetical dark energy more mysterious. Scientists attempting to measure the so-called cosmic expansion rate have discovered that the Universe again appears to be expanding much too quickly, even taking into account the invention of dark energy’s influence.
Source Scientific American article: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cosmic-speed-measurement-suggests-dark-energy-mystery/
Related previous Space News episodes:
Remembering Halton Arp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnZJlv-Buhk
Halton Arp and the Electric Universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfxrEFf3Wuc
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Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill: http://www.holoscience.com/wp/
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