[Vindictus S3] Test Server – KR Daily Mission & Items Incineration / 테섭 일일미션 & 아이템 소각 [마영전]

# Daily Mission
– D.M Complete Ticket Exchange items
Rose luxury Bath : 50 Tickets
Tea luxury Bath : 50 Tickets
Honey luxury Bath : 50 Tickets
Quality Coupons for 1 star only(★→★★) : 15 Tickets
Title [Daily Daily] : 50 Tickets
Raonne’s Necklace [Att] : Att & M.Att 500 (12 hours) : 10 Tickets
Raonne’s Necklace [Bal] : Bal 7 (12 hours) : 10 Tickets
Raonne’s Necklace [Cri] : Cri 5 (12 hours) : 10 Tickets
Raonne’s Necklace [Spd] : Spd 10 (12 hours) : 10 Tickets
Fighting Exp Plus Capsules : +50% (Three days) : 3 Tickets

# Items Incineration
– Unnecessary items incineration. It is possible to obtain a useful item.
– Term items, items that NPC to sell, Untradeable items can not be incinerated.
– Shall be one of the last ! If the gauge is full, ordinance explosion occurs. Jackpot! Can get millions of gold.
– Reward items
Some of the gold (About 80% of the material value)
Ap Capsule (Proportional to the material value)
Various tensile
Great decorations (Cash items Random box)
Small traces of spirits (Quest item for The title [티끌모아 태산]) Means Little drops of water make the mightly ocean.

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