Corona Virus Update in Tamil|India|Latest Bitcoin News in Tamil
In this video, I have explained about the seriousness of coronavirus and its potential impact that can have on India. Let’s all unite and not repeat the same mistake China, Italy and the UK did. Please listen to our government and stay at home until the 31st of March. Avoid any unnecessary travel and take care of elders and vulnerable people at home. God Bless You!
The second half of the video explains the current Bitcoin market and Bitcoin’s next possible move.
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#Coronavirus #Cryptocurrencies #Cryptotamil
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📲Binance Exchange : http://bit.ly/2Gs8MU2
📲Coinbase Account : http://bit.ly/2IrOYlE
📲OKEX Exchange Link – http://bit.ly/2BLFooG
Keep your cryptos secure in a Hardware wallet
🔒Hardware Wallet : http://bit.ly/2HI95ur
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