Capricorn – The start you wanted never came, so the universe sent you something else
Hey Capricorn, here are your tarot messages, intended for Mars 2020 but can apply whenever. Hugs!
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These tarot messages are for FUN. And general, so they may or may not resonate with your story. But I hope they do. If so, make sure to leave a comment! It encourages me to keep this channel active. Time is fluid and weird so it all depends on your life and your own decisions. I do believe we click on videos for a reason, but you should always listen to your higher self, obviously. Tarot is for advice, and I’m only the messenger of the story the card shows me. The readings are intended for sun, moon and rising but can apply if you feel drawn to the video. The messages also apply for both Western and Vedic astrology – whatever rocks your boat and what you feel most connected to.
These messages are timeless! This means that whenever you watch it, it should be suited for your situation at that moment. So it doesn’t matter if you watch it the day I publish the video or 10 years in the future. 🛸 But… Remember, time is still is weird. Tarot cards will never give you too much information, and everything changes all the time. You (and the universe sometimes) are in charge of your life.
If this video didn’t resonate with you, I’m sorry, or I’m glad? (Depends on the reading I guess?) I recommend to watch your sun, moon, and rising also. It can give you a better picture of your situation. If you don’t know these, search for ”astrology birth chart” online and you’ll find out. The messages can be vise versa, so if I say ”you” – it can apply to a person in your life, and if I think it’s another person – I can be talking about you. I may say her or him – but it’s all about energy baby. So my readings are not gender-specific. We all have male and female energies within us.
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