Ice Crown Citadel 10 core Rotface Challenged Mod
On warmane server Lordearon realms rate x1 & Raid Difficulty enhanced with increased damage and health pools based on community progress
What? Shoot boss, dodge slime spray, run to the offtank when you get the debuff, move out of centre when explosion happens. rinse and repeat.
Noob mistake #1 – Not moving out when you get Mutated Infection
STOP TUNNEL VISIONing!! Well firstly make sure you have some up-to-date boss mods installed that warns you in big flashing text or vibrating screen or picture of a hot girl or whatever is required to jolt your attention when you get the debuff.
When you get Mutated Infecction, MOVE OUT OF THE RAID. If you have no idea where the offtank is, move out of the raid FIRST, then start looking for him.
Noob mistake #2 – Dying to Slime Spray
When the boss turns to face you.. MOVE AWAY. Strafe to the side or something. It’s pretty obvious where he’s aiming his Slime Spray by the direction he is facing, and his hands start spasming.
Noob mistake #3 – Running to Big Ooze instead of in front of it
The reason why you should not be running directly to the Big Ooze is because
1) It does AoE damage , 2) It moves.
If you move to it directly, it’s going to be moving forward towards your OT, so you’ll need to trail it to let your little ooze merge with it, and hence take unnecessary damage from Big Ooze.
The correct way is to stand in front of the Big Ooze’s path, behind your OT.
Noob mistake #4 – Running out too early for Unstable Ooze Explosion
For DBM, there are 2 warnings – ‘Big Ooze is casting Unstable Ooze Explosion’, and then some flashing blue warning that tells you to move.
You should only be moving at the 2nd warning.
The cast time of the explosion is about 3 seconds, so the first warning simply tells you when it STARTS casting. The impact point of its flying goos is chosen when the cast is complete.
Thus if you move early it’s pointless, the ooze will still hit you.
Pro tip you never knew – Several healers can stand with the tank instead of standing on the left/right leg behind Rotface. This reduces significantly the chance you’ll get Slime Sprayed, so you can focus on healing more.
There are differing views about when Bloodlust should be used for this, though IMO it should be used at the start since there’s the least movement. As the fight progresses the rate of Mutated Infection increases so people will be running around more.