【APH AMV】 Oh My My || APH Girls
*breathes in*
*looks at clock*
*stare at it, it’s still the earth*
hOLY SHIT it’s 12:34 AM, mon Dieu, have I been editing all night?
It was worth it, though OwO
I tried to add as much girls as possible, but I was so sleepy and I couldn’t remember stuff, so… eyy.
listen to the original song if ya got time uwu – I love it to death, honestly XD
(kailan kaya ako makakakuha ng 8 oras na tulog? hmm…)
(((extremely unnecessary, but pls add me on mobile legends my ID no. is 202406202 I’m a mage main and pls 1v1 me uwu)))
Music: JTR – Oh My My (my butter music of the week)
Software used: Filmora
((hi crush))
I meant Japan. he so adorable and uwu